Generalized and microstructured continua: new ideas in modeling and/or applications to structures with (nearly-)inextensible fibers

3 April — 8 April 2017, Arpino, Italy

How to register

To participate in the EUROMECH Colloquium 579, all participants are required to pay the registration fee.

The Early Registration fee (for those participants who sign up no later than February 1, 2017 ) is:
300 euros for supporters;
200 euros for students.

The Late Registration fee (for those participants who sign up from February 2 to March 3 2017 ) is:
350 euros for supporters;
250 euros for students.

The Early Registration Deadline is on 1 February, 2017
The Late Registration Deadline is on 3 March, 2017
Registration fee will cover coffee and snacks, some dinners and visits to local sites.

Only those who are MEMBERS EUROMECH may participate in the EUROMECH-Colloquium 579.
If the participants are not yet member EUROMECH, the subscription for the EUROMECH membership is required to the following link: .
Once the participants become members EUROMECH, they can proceed to the compilation of the required fields at